Neke Carson and Andy Warhol - copyright Anton Perich

No. 21: Neke Carson (2003)

Neke Carson and Andy Warhol - copyright Anton Perich

Neke Carson became (in)famous for his painted portrait of Andy, which he made holding the brush in his behind. But there’s much more to Neke than his reputation as the Rectal Realist, a distinction memorialized in the movie Nine and a Half Weeks. (He had a cameo appearance in the movie and the ‘Rectal Realist’ … Read more

No. 25: Michaeleen Maher (2005)

Mikki Maher by Liza Stelle

Mikki Maher is another old friend of Liza Stelle’s. They knew each other from the 1960s, and they were both in the movie Alice’s Restaurant. I always found Mikki to be endlessly interesting and utterly glamorous whenever I’d run into her, usually  with Liza and often with Ira Cohen. I remember being out in Montauk … Read more